The Power of Natural Teeth Whitening: Effective Home Remedies

  Everybody desire that their teeth be as white as snow, but unluckily not all of us have that thus posing a threat to our beauty.

Whiten teeth

Before we talk about how to whiten your teeth naturally lets us quickly see two major factors that makes our teeth yellow.

Two factors can cause teeth to yellow:


Coffee is one example of a specific meal or drink that can discolor teeth. In addition to discoloring teeth, some foods can wear away the enamel, making the yellowing worse.

Smoking, the use of tobacco products, and several medications are other sources of stains.

Quit smoking

Thinned enamel

Enamel, the almost white material that makes up the outer coating of teeth, guards the more intricate tooth structures. Dentin, a tissue layer that is yellow-brown, is found below the enamel. As the enamel covering deteriorates or wears away, more dentin becomes visible, giving teeth a darker appearance.

Age, gum disease, and acidic diets can erode tooth enamel. Additionally, some individuals inherently have thinner enamel.

Thinned enamel

So, what are ways to go against these factors?

1. Fruit-based whitening.

Both the enzymes papain and bromelain, which are found in papayas and pineapples respectively, may aid in tooth whitening.

According to a study conducted in 2020, tooth bleaching gels with bromelain or papain have a significant clinical potential to whiten teeth.

To ascertain whether or if these enzymes are useful, more research is required. The ADA advises against immediately rubbing fruit on your teeth since the acid in the fruit can actually tarnish the color of your teeth.

Fruit based whitening

2. Hydrogen peroxide usage

A gentle bleach like hydrogen peroxide will help whiten discolored teeth. A person can attempt brushing for 1-2 minutes twice daily for a week with a solution of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for the best results. They shouldn't do this too frequently.

Hydrogen peroxide may make teeth more sensitive, so it shouldn't be used over an extended period of time or by those who already have sensitive teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide

3. Using baking soda to brush

The surface of the teeth can be carefully polished clean of stains with baking soda. Although baking soda has been proved to be a safe stain remover, some individuals worry that it is too strong and could damage enamel.

Baking soda might be helpful to lessen plaque and stop tooth decay since it may also aid to fight bacteria.

Baking soda

4. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is the practice of using oil to clean the mouth of debris, germs, and other impurities. Some study indicates that cleaning the mouth with particular oils may assist to whiten the teeth, while it is not a replacement for consistent brushing and flossing.

Oil pulling is regarded as nontraditional dentistry by the American Dental Association (ADA), which claims that "no credible scientific research suggest that oil pulling lowers cavities, whitens teeth, or improves oral health and well-being."

To test out this technique, however, spit out the oil after rinsing the mouth with it for around 20 minutes after brushing.

These oils are acceptable for oil pulling:

Coconut oil

tahini oil

sunflower oil

Coconut oil for oil pulling

5. Diet modifications

By avoiding foods that stain teeth, you can stop additional discoloration. Teeth can become stained by tannin-containing foods and drinks like wine and tea. They can also become stained by coffee, dark drinks, and juices.

Acidic meals can make the teeth yellow by eroding the enamel. People who are worried about the color of their teeth should refrain from consuming too much soda, coffee, or citrus.

The standard recommendation from dentists is to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing teeth. Early brushing can harm enamel since acids can weaken it.

Nicotine stains can disappear if you stop smoking or using tobacco products. Additionally, it can stop gum disease and tooth decay, both of which can harm enamel and result in oral health problems.

Good diet for teeth

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